Wednesday, January 25, 2012

An 89th Birthday Party

My great BeanPa came to visit us to celebrate our Christmas and his EIGHTY-NINTH birthday. Our plan went a little awry when he fell the first day he was with us and broke his femur just below the hip joint. He ended up having surgery and spent our vacation with him in hospital. We went to visit everyday and I showed him lots of my new toys. We even had a birthday party! YaYa did everything for the party and Aunt Linda flew in to surprise him for his birthday on January 1st. It was exciting that we got to have lunch and cake and Aunt Linda all at one time. Next year he'll just have to have an extra big (non in hospital) bash, but I think it turned out pretty fun. He is doing well and in rehab (still in Texas) but Probably he will bust out soon and then go back to Tennessee. 

Chocolate cake with chocolate icing!

"Ha-a-apy Bi-irthda-a-ay to you-u-u-u....."

Auntie H and part of Aunt Linda with Jack running in at the bottom

There's the rest of Aunt Linda

Mmmmmmmm Jack and BeanPa shared cake

Daddy! And me and the "mote" car.

Jack and I gave BeanPa a picture

I don't remember way I was eating but it must have been delicious! Maybe banana pudding?

Aunt Linda LOVES coloring on boxes too!

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