Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Two Tiny Milestones

Happy Day Before Thanksgiving, Friends! So first of all a big "who knew?": Who knew that although babies cry a lot, we don't actually have tears. I cant read and therefore have not further researched to discover why, but Momma has checked around and its the same across the board. How strange that this isn't common knowledge since it seems to be the case for every baby. Anyway, this is why Momma always tells me to stop yelling. I guess she is right, aren't tears the defining feature of a good cry? Well BIG. NEWS. After several minutes (ok Momma interjects here to say an hour or more) of much unhappiness over bed time, I finally managed to squeeze out my FIRST REAL TEAR! Daddy spotted it and before it could run its course down the side of my face he wiped it away for me. Haha when I master this development my pitiful face is going to take on a whole new level of sadness. Momma and Daddy won't be able to refuse me a thing.
The other tiny milestone is that after many meals and a little concern I have finally doubled my weight! After last week's call to the doctor and learning that at 10 lb 13oz I was in the 1% of boy's my age, I weighed in tonight at 11 lb 4 oz. Haha, not only can I control my parents, I can control my weight at will. And they had the nerve to call me "scrawny". I'll show them ;)

1 comment:

  1. They normally start crying real tears around 2-3 months...samantha started at almost exactly 3 months. He is soooooo cute :)
