It's me again. We have not forgotten that we owe you pictures from a wedding, an attempt with the bluebonnets, and some others, BUT I had to butt in (hehe) with great big news! KNOX PULLED UP! So the kid just a couple weeks ago finally got into a sitting position on his own for the first time, has yet to crawl (much less scoot) anywhere, but now he's standing.
He sat up recently when he was awake in the morning and we were not. We were not even close to having intentions of waking up yet. Our solution to this is to wander bleary eyed out of our room, grab whatever toys we trip over, and dump them in the crib. When this doesn't work we drag the bedroom swing in front of the TV and put on Baby Einstein "First Sounds". He loves this weird bee that seems to be the host of that one (I really don't know I sleep almost every time it's on). Unfortunately, about two-thirds of the way through the video it goes dark trying to show a sunset and plays 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and Knox HATES that part. It's so strange. He has a whole video that is pretty much just different versions of that song so it must be the sunset that bugs him. Maybe it reminds him of bed time which reminds him of sleep and he remembers that the whole reason he's strapped in and stuck swinging back and forth whether he wants to or not is because we are in bed five feet away and ignoring him. I digressed this far so a quick side note... when I said bleary-eyed, that may have been an understatement. Recently after Knox had his regular mid-night/early morning snack I tried walking him back to his own bed in his own room and we ran into the door. Sorry little dude, you steer next time.
Back to my original story. So one morning I was too slow with my tricks and Knox was fairly hysterical in his crib. I finally dragged myself into his room and he was sitting there leaned over on one arm. And ANGRY! Fast forward to this evening. We put Knox in bed where he rolled around quietly for awhile before deciding he was not in fact tired at all and commenced crying. He has just figured out that he can pull the bumper down and put his face up to the bars achieving the desired effect of ultimate pitifulness (a word? maybe not but it fits). Tonight he looked so sad (pitiful, funny) wailing through the prison bars I went to get Chris and like the mean parents we are, we stood in the middle of the room watching while he reached out for up and grabbed the top railing. The anger must've given him strength and he pulled up! I left him crying to grab the camera and got some priceless shots.