Wednesday morning I awoke same as every morning only to have Momma and Daddy start inspecting my head. Apparently there were bumps on it. Three. Right on my pulsing fontanel. Original thoughts that these were caused by the raspberries I had for an afternoon snack the day before were quickly forgotten as I sprouted more and more spots throughout the day. By lunchtime Momma had called the doctor (who called back 5 hours later- but we still love her). We took an afternoon trip to visit the doc Thursday afternoon to confirm that the pox had invaded and taken over my wee little body. Now that "every" child is vaccinated at 12 months and again at 4 years for the chicken pox, it's spread among the youth is no longer desired. Just to drive home the point on what a fluke this is, the doc said in 7 years she has only seen 5 cases AND babies rarely get it. Just tryin' to be unique any way I can. Due to the above info I have been quarantined to the house for a WEEK.
Aside from the occasional itchy bouts (attempts to scratch my back on the floor, think Baloo the bear, lead to little relief) and sporadic 103+ fevers things haven't been to bad. Thank you Motrin and Benadryl. On the bright side, I have quite enjoyed the days of nudity including hours of diaper freedom to reduce irritation. I even pooped in the toilet once. On the even brighter side, Momma came home with a "sorry you have the chicken pox" present this afternoon. Here's to hoping my NEW POOL complete with multi-colored shade umbrella gets us through the remaining five days of quarantine. Lastly, I don't have to get vaccinated now so 2 less shots :)
A side-note:
Thank you plastic pool maker for bringing to my attention that it is not safe to dive into this pool. I am sure you have saved many lives. Especially the lives of those well known humans who cannot resist the urge to dive into every body of water they encounter be it a lake, a river, a large puddle, or dare I even say it... a baby pool.
(I apologize about the photo repeat to fb users)
"What do you mean I have spots?"
"Oooh, Momma. These spots?"
Sweet new backyard set-up. Marco Polo anyone?
Fill 'er up!
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