Well, Momma actually drove me to the doctor and the she said, "I look perfect." :)
I mean I already knew I was perfect, but nice to have confirmation from an unbiased third party every once in awhile. I have beefed up to 13 lb 6 oz (1 percentile) and 26.5 inches (50th percentile) and for anyone interested my 43 cm circumferenced (I am a baby I can make up words if I want) head is the 25th percent. After all the talking that amounted to the doc saying sorry guys he's (meaning me and seriously I was RIGHT THERE) hard headed and a crappy sleeper- good luck. Well gee, maybe I just miss Momma at night, I mean she is ALL THE WAY across the house. Then I do get to see Momma and Daddy again and I am happy and drift sweetly back to sleep like the angel that I am.... and WHAT THE HECK? I wake up to find myself ALONE. in bed. no Momma. or Daddy. Ugh, when will they learn? Other than that I got some shots, drank some liquid, and came home to eat butternut squash. First time. Momma made it extra special just for me and it was gooooood. A pretty decent day overall.
Knox, you are too cute!! And smart, too- I think you might be a journalist when you grow up!