Friday, May 18, 2012

The Pics That Knox Took (v:1)

I LOVE taking Mommy's phone and Mommy's camera and my camera and Daddy's phone (okay I like taking everything because we all know that EVERYthing is mine anyway) and taking pictures. I like taking lots and LOTS of pictures. Be prepared for several versions of this.

{These are the steps I walk down when I go out the front door.}

{My shoes had to live outside for a bit because they were so dirty. It rained on them.}

{The steps with the railing.}

{Mommy! I think she was waiting on me.}

{My feet. When I took this those sandals - my baseball sandals - were brand new.}

{There's my feet walking.}

{The grass. "Brwass."}

{This is what it looks like when Mommy buckles me into my seat in the car.}

{This is what it looks like when Mommy turns on the car.}

{At Brinca. This is the toadstool. I told Mommy yesterday that I think Mario is inside.}

{There's Mommy. I am in the bouncy-house and she doesn't know I am taking this.}

{My friend Ava. She and William and I rode that turtle together. I liked to ride in the front. I also like to jump on that turtle with my knees and then it makes me fly off in a big, bouncy crash.}

{There's me. I take lots of pictures of my forehead sometimes.}

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